Corrective Exercise: A Solution for Chronic Pain

By August 29, 2012March 5th, 2025Chronic Pain

The following is a post from one our collaborative complementary specialists, Ryan Krane of Ryan Krane, Inc.

Many people suffer from chronic pain due to weakness or tightness in their muscles – a result of moving their bodies incorrectly. After years of this improper movement, many patients find it hard to get their bodies back to a state in which it can work properly without pain. But corrective exercise helps pinpoint the location of the pain and, with appropriate exercises, pain is lessened and eventually eliminated. Corrective exercise teaches the muscles and joints in the body to work together without pain, creating long-lasting physical ease that carries on throughout life.

To bring the body back to normal postural alignment and eliminate muscle imbalances and movement compensations, patients should undergo a full assessment by a certified health and fitness consultant, preferably a specialist in corrective exercise. Ryan Krane is a certified Corrective Exercise Specialist and one of the leading fitness consultants specializing in corrective exercise in the Los Angeles region. He is helping clients become healthier and pain free with his brand of corrective exercise called “The Krane Training Method.”

The Krane Training Method combines flexibility, posture and strength training movements to help clients remedy chronic ailments such as back pain, shoulder pain and other common body aches. Each group of custom-tailored exercises is designed to fit clients’ needs and lifestyles, making it one of the most accommodating corrective exercise programs available to relieve pain and improve quality of life.

Here are two corrective exercises Ryan recommends to clients to reduce stress and avoid chronic pain:

  • Hip Flexors—Kneel with your right leg forward and your left leg firmly behind you. Keep your torso tall and engage your core.  Starting with the right side, squeeze your right glute to help release the tightness through the front of the quad and the hip flexor. Hold for 30 seconds and then switch sides.
  • Scapular Retraction—Lie with your chest down on the ground with your legs firmly on the ground. Raise your arms at a Y angle, while keeping your head down. Hold for two seconds before returning to the ground. Do 1-3 sets of 10-15 reps. This corrective exercise will help prevent rounding of the shoulders and decrease pain.

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Ryan Krane

Ryan Krane, Inc.

Corrective Exercise Specialist

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Pain Management & Injury Relief

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Pain Management & Injury Relief is a leading patient-centered pain management clinic in Southern California. Our goal is to help you achieve long-lasting pain relief. By utilizing the latest medical technologies and equipment paired with innovative procedures and treatments, our team can help you improve your quality of life.


  • Thea says:

    Thea, Santa Fe, New Mexico: Ryan, I am 58 years old, very active in the gym, practice TRX, bike, swim, and hike.. Recently, I have been experiencing pain on the right side of my body along the IT Band, TFL and around the Sartorius muscle. I cannot balance on the right leg because it causes pain and I cannot hold in that position . I also experience pain while walking, where my body seems to use the left side for weight and support, making my right side show a limp. I have tried everything I can in the gym, met with massage therapists and researched parts of the body that might my correst my pain. My body feels unbalanced. What are your thougths?

  • Ryan Krane says:

    Hi Thea,
    I am sorry that you are experiencing this pain and discomfort. What I would recommend is getting a thorough assessment from a corrective exercise specialist or your local healthcare professional to evaluate your biomechanics and gait. This will be essential as it will show you the underlying causes as to why are you experiencing this pain.

    What I would suggest is the following: massage your tensor fascia latae (TFL), IT Band, and bicep femoris. In addition, I would perform static stretching on the adductors, bicep femoris, calf muscles, and TFL. I also recommend holding off on performing functional activities such as balance training as it seems to be aggravating your right leg.

    What appears to be aggravating your right leg the most is less than optimal biomechanics. Once your biomechanics are in optimal alignment it will greatly reduce the stress, irritation, and impact to your entire body.

    Please don’t hesitate to contact me directly should you have any further questions. I hope this helps and wishing you much success and good health in your training program.

    Ryan Krane, CPT, CES, PES

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