Growing up in a family of skaters, Brian began competitive ice skating when he was only 5 years old. In his teens, he switched to roller skating, and has continued to skate and teach ever since. However, Brian’s passion for skating nearly came to a halt when he woke up one morning and could not get out of bed. A shooting pain down his sciatic nerve had him realizing that the years of skating, jumping, spinning, and falling had taken a toll on his body. “While training, you had to ignore the pain.” After visiting several sports medicine doctors with no diagnosis, Brian visited Dr. Hersel. He suggested that Brian get an MRI of his spine. “I would highly recommend Dr. Hersel because he was the first doctor who took the time to diagnose and tell me that I had some disc issues. I would’ve been wasting my time not knowing the root cause of my pain.” Brian received epidurals which immediately relieved him of his pain. He is now able to continue his passion for choreographing routines, teaching and skating competitively!