What You Should Know About Your Celiac Plexus Block Procedure

By July 25, 2019March 5th, 2025Patient Resources

What You Should Know About Your Celiac Plexus Block Procedure - PMIR

Whether it is pancreatitis, gallstones, Crohn’s, gastric cancer, or gastritis, massive chronic abdominal pain can be debilitating and vastly reduce life quality. While acute abdominal pain passes and resolves itself after treatment or over hours to days, chronic pain has a staying power ranging from several weeks to a few years, appearing intermittently. While there is a wide range of causes for chronic abdominal pain, not all can be quickly or effectively addressed. Certain cancers and forms of inflammation take time to treat and heal, leaving a patient in an unbearable state.

Medication can help with the pain but is not always a good option. From side effects to allergic reactions or the potential of addiction, strong pain killers like opioids do not always help address the pain that lasts weeks and months. In these cases, other options for pain management must be explored, opening up a world of invasive interventions aimed at helping patients avoid powerful episodes of intense pain.

A celiac plexus block procedure is among these interventions, which targets a complex bundle of nerves tied to various organs and muscles in the abdomen, blocking pain signals that travel from the celiac plexus to the brain. If used appropriately, this procedure can significantly reduce abdominal pain for a considerable period, allowing for other treatments to address the cause of the pain or effectively helping someone live with their pain in the long term.

What Are Celiac Plexus Blocks?

Also known as the ‘solar plexus’ due to its central location within the torso, the celiac plexus is a complex bundle of nerves found deep within the abdomen, behind intersecting walls of abdominal muscle.

Functioning roughly as a relay for signals from the brain to various organs throughout the body and vice versa, the celiac plexus can be targeted with medication to block out pain signals effectively. The celiac plexus block has been employed for decades as a way to reliably shut down pain signals traveling from the torso to the brain, usually as part of an invasive surgery, as part of surgical anesthesia.

A celiac plexus block is typically considered when other less invasive, less aggressive painkilling interventions have proved less than fruitful. If patients experience unbearable abdominal pain and do not respond effectively to medication, the celiac plexus block may significantly relieve them. The block targets the organs connected to the plexus, particularly the:

    • Liver
    • Gallbladder
    • Omentum (visceral tissue covering the liver, intestines, and stomach)
    • Pancreas
    • Mesentery
    • GI (digestive tract)

Preparing for Your Celiac Plexus Block Procedure

Speak to your doctor to check on your current medications and determine which you should stop taking before the procedure. You may be asked to take some pain medication on the morning of the procedure with minimal water. Don’t eat the night before the procedure and limit your fluid intake as per the doctor’s orders.

Your doctor will inform you of everything you should and shouldn’t bring to the clinic or hospital. Depending on what imaging tools are used, it’s essential to remove all metallic objects on your person, including a watch, jewelry, belt, piercings, and so on. Bring glasses instead of contacts. If you wear makeup, refrain from wearing eye makeup or creams, and apply only light moisturizers.

How Is the Procedure Performed?

Before beginning the procedure, a patient is optionally given a relaxant to help them remain calm. Because the procedure is quick and usually involves a patient who is awake, remaining calm is important.

Once the patient is relaxed, an x-ray is used to determine exactly where the celiac plexus is, establishing a target for the subsequent injection. Lying on their stomach, a patient is first treated with a local anesthetic, and then a thin needle is passed through the tissue in the back, injecting another anesthetic. A second needle is used, using the x-ray as a guide, to inject a dye into the body to double-check that the correct area is being targeted. Once the dye confirms that the second needle is in the right spot, medication is used to numb the nerves in the area.

The medication used depends on the intended function of the block in relation to the origin of the abdominal pain. Many injections use a corticosteroid or epinephrine to numb the nerves, bringing lasting yet temporary relief. Sometimes, a neurolytic agent, such as alcohol, is used to destroy the nerves. This procedure may be controversial and is used to help patients with unbearably painful terminal abdominal cancer (such as pancreatic cancer). This is usually reserved for intractable pain.

Once the block is applied, the patient is asked to continue laying still for a while before sitting up and reviewing their pain. If relief is achieved, the patient is brought to a recovery room to lie in rest. If no complications occur, the IV is discontinued, and the patient is discharged.

Complications and Problems

Like other procedures, a celiac plexus block involves a certain amount of risk. In most cases, side effects are scarce and only involve pain and tenderness around the injection site. It’s unlikely that a celiac plexus block will develop into a different condition. However, in rare cases, the block may cause:

    • Infection
    • Diarrhea
    • Bloody urine
    • Blood pressure problems
    • Collapsed lung
    • Paralysis

Some of these complications are the result of improperly injecting the medication into the body, while others – such as an infection – are highly unlikely in most patients unless their immune system is compromised due to a pre-existing condition or a conflicting treatment (such as chemotherapy).

Celiac Plexus Blocks and Medication

Medications that may complicate a nerve block include anticoagulants (blood thinners), diuretics, and diabetes medication (insulin or other forms of medication). A doctor will go over your medical history and ensure that you are ready for the procedure. They may ask you to reduce your intake of certain medications if they present contraindications.

NSAIDs and aspirin can also negatively affect clotting and speed up bleeding. Your doctor will present you with a list of medications you shouldn’t take before the procedure. They will also advise you on how and when to wean off your medication to avoid other potential complications. Be sure to discuss your medical history with your doctor before a celiac plexus block procedure. Do not stop taking your current medication without precise instructions.

After Your Procedure

A celiac plexus block procedure doesn’t require an overnight stay for recovery, but the anesthesia used throughout the procedure may make you feel nauseous or dizzy once fully processed. It is wise to arrange for someone to pick you up and drive you home to rest. After the procedure, the most important thing is to closely monitor your condition. It’s normal to feel sore for a few days and have diarrhea. Refrain from driving, lifting, or operating machinery for at least a day after the procedure. No alcohol either, although you may resume taking pain medication.

The block takes a few days to fully go into effect. Your pain may spike for the first 2 days after the procedure. It’s important to call and notify your doctor if your pain continues to grow past 48 hours. Call your doctor if your temperature spikes, if your injection site is swelling, or if other unsettling symptoms present themselves.

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Pain Management & Injury Relief is a leading patient-centered pain management clinic in Southern California. Our goal is to help you achieve long-lasting pain relief. By utilizing the latest medical technologies and equipment paired with innovative procedures and treatments, our team can help you improve your quality of life.

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