iEat for Life: Breast Cancer app

By October 15, 2013March 8th, 2019Nutrition

The exact cause of breast cancer is still up for debate. Research shows genetics, lifestyle habits, nutrition, or hormones can cause cancer. The iEat for Life: Breast Cancer app was designed to help educate women on healthy food choices that can help to eliminate the nutritional risk factor for cancer.

iEat for Life: Breast Cancer was developed by Nutritionist Approved, Inc. to help women diagnosed with breast cancer choose foods that will help treat the disease, and also help women not diagnosed choose foods to prevent breast cancer.  This app shows you foods you should get, foods to avoid, and healthy recipes. Nutritionist Approved uses strict guidelines when recommending foods and only nutrients with strong clinical evidence to prevent cancer are recommended.  The app also provides tips on recipes, preparation, and where to purchase uncommon foods.

We know that chronic inflammation can cause chronic pain, and chronic pain can be directly correlated with our diet. This app may be a double-edged sword in preventing breast cancer and chronic pain.  Download this app today and learn the appropriate food choices that help you live a longer, healthier life!

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